2011년 11월 23일 수요일

Argumentative Essay--Ghosts, again

As a topic of my argumentative essay, I'll again choose ghosts--it's existence. In my essay with quotation, I compared three points: EVP, life of Thomas Edison, and automatic writing. Although the length of my essay was quite long, I could not still include all the details I found--because of the length. So in my argumentative essay, I'd like to write about the existence of ghosts again. Actually, I think the topic is not so great for my mental health, I'll try again. Some sources I used are below:


  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voice_phenomena
  • http://www.rense.com/general33/evpcase.htm (this is a content of conversation with ghosts by means of EVP, and is a clue of solving a crime)
  • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4152805.stm

Thomas Edison:

  • http://www.ghost-science.co.uk/2010/08/thomas-edisons-life-units/
  • http://www.prairieghosts.com/oh-milan.html

Automatic Writing:

2011년 11월 9일 수요일

Existence of Ghosts: True or False

Supernatural beings, it is probably a theme which makes most of people interesting. Supernatural phenomenons seem so realistic, but it is hard to experience such events in our ordinary life; and this might be the reason why stories about supernatural phenomenon intrigue us so strongly. In this essay, I'd like to choose a ghost as a topic. Since it is hard to prove the existence of ghosts in scientific approach--but there are so many evidences of existence of ghosts and witnesses of ghosts in the world--the existence of ghost is still controversial. I'll introduce both sides on this theme--who believe ghosts and who do not--in this essay. The sources I'll quote are below:

: definition of ghost, and general information on ghosts

: Thomas Edison, the great inventor, also studied about ghosts and made a machine which allows communication with ghosts

: Scientific explanations on "seeing ghosts"